CTS Session 6 During this CTS session, we were looking into the curation of exhibitions, and how the arrangement and selection of work has changed in galleries over time. We first looked into how paintings used to be arranged in an order of hierarchy, the paintings at the top of the gallery containing subjects of … Continue reading SEEN NOT HEARD


Last Everything Is New Workshop As we wrapped up the Everything Is New project, our last workshop was preparing us for critiquing and learning how to critique, as further on in the course we will be having group critiques, where we will be expected to critique the work of others, while they critique our own. … Continue reading HOW TO CRITIQUE


  EVERYTHING IS NEW OUTCOME. The micro magazine we created in the Reconstruction workshop was the outcome of the first project Everything Is New. This outcome not only was the result of a workshop task, but was also a collection of everything we had learned and discussed so far within our illustration course. Working out what illustration … Continue reading MICRO MAGAZINE


During this session we used our Brief Encounters illustrations, as well as the work from the previous deconstruction workshop to create an outcome that portrayed our individual perception of illustration. We used both our work and the work of our peers so that our outcome would be diverse and would include a range of  ideas and … Continue reading WORKSHOP 3 – RECONSTRUCTION


CTS Session 5 - Surreal Science - Whitechapel Gallery. The exhibition that I chose to visit was the Surreal Science exhibition at the Whitechapel that included the work of Salvatore Arancio, who was responding to an art collection and exploring themes of surrealism and science. The original collection was brought together by artist collector George Loudon. … Continue reading CTS EXHIBITION REVIEW


  DECONSTRUCTION This workshop encouraged us to become a bit freer with our illustrations, and to begin breaking down the different elements that make up an illustration to get us thinking about the individual parts of illustration rather than final, solid products. We used our illustrations from our Brief Encounters task to create imagery that focussed on the … Continue reading WORKSHOP 2 – DECONSTRUCTION