When developing Nova’s final character design illustrations the main focus was making them expressive and exploring more dynamic posing than my previous sketches of this character. I felt that in comparison to Skylar’s character, his personality was a little less obvious without a description therefore this is something I really wanted to try and improve on with these final drawings.

Below show the process of the two final illustrations I created for Nova’s character.

I again included the background shadow and shading, to bring more depth to his character illustration. I focussed on keeping his body language relaxed yet strong, and had him not making eye contact and seeming stand offish almost, to try and show his personality. I felt that this was the best interpretation of his character yet, and really showed my development with drawing his body proportions, as this was something before and during this project that I had found particularly challenging.

Now with my new confidence in drawing body imagery I tried a more dynamic pose for Nova’s second final illustration. Drawing him sitting down in a casual position with relaxed posture I think really helped to capture him having an overall more relaxed attitude. I think this illustration in particular is the best portrayal of Nova, and for me, embodies everything I wanted to show with my design.

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