As well as my final character illustrations, I wanted to create some concept art inspired by the ideas I had generated at the beginning of this project for an original narrative. This for me was to show how well my character design would fit into their context. I decided to keep the concept of these pieces simple, I wanted to draw Skylar in the ‘Dream Realm’ and Nova in the ‘Nightmare Realm’ to show how they would fit into the setting that inspired both of their character design ideas.

Below shows the process for the concept art pieces I developed :


I had a lot of fun creating this piece, it was interesting imagining what the ‘Dream Realm’ would look like and how I would make this match Skylar’s overall design. I used soft lighting and colours for the clouds, and included Skylar holding stars, to tease the concept of him having just collected them with his net. I was happy with how the results turned out and that it seemed as though Skylar belonged there, I felt that his design was elevated even more by being a part of this landscape and it began to tell a story of who he is, where he is and why he is there. This concept art for me was a way to start thinking of my characters in the context of my narrative and how they would be a part of it. Below is the finished concept art piece :

Untitled_Artwork 7


Nova’s piece again, was a lot of fun to create. There is something about seeing these characters in a more conceptual piece that really brings them to life. I focussed on making Nova’s landscape a lot darker and intense, changing the softer shapes to slightly more overwhelming by adding more shadows and textures. The lighting from the moon in this piece creates an atmosphere that I think works really nicely. Nova’s casual position contrasts with the scary mood of his surroundings which captures his personality perfectly, seemingly unaffected by danger. Below is the finished concept art piece :

Untitled_Artwork 7 copy

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