Following the same process as with Skylar’s design, Nova’s was a little less obvious in terms of capturing his personality through his features alone. Skylar’s characteristics were the inspiration for Nova, making Nova the opposite was the goal. Nova, as of yet did not have a feature or characteristic that stood out as much as elements of Skylar’s design, therefore this was something I needed to explore.

I again began with rough sketches first of all, trying to capture Nova’s personality through body language and shape. Nova’s personality is the opposite of Skylar’s, he is tougher with a ‘who cares’ kind of attitude, emotionally guarded and intimidating. This was a challenge as it was taking everything I had just developed with Skylar and turning it in the other direction.

This experimentation with shapes and posing helped me to try and decide the best way to show the contrast of his personality with Skylar’s. His proportions both in height and body shape were a lot larger and stronger, and his stance a lot more solid, these were things I hadn’t experimented with before so were quite a challenge, but helped me nonetheless.

Developing Nova’s clothing design and colour palette really elevated his personality. The use of the dark colours and the clothing having more streamlined and solid structure I thought was successful at capturing his characteristics. I also used a darker skin tone to match the overall colour palette and overall contrast to Skylar’s previous aesthetic.

To again follow my previous character design process I created another expressions sketch sheet to try and play with the different sides to his personality as so far despite his design being clear, he wasn’t very expressive. This really helped me to explore his character design further.

Nova_Expressions_Sketch 1

I again added colour to these expressions, and the result was something I was really happy with, I think that all of the elements of his design tied together and I began to see where this character could develop.


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