To go alongside my final character designs and put them into a context with a more direct audience focus and purpose, I have decided to create an artist book to show fellow young creatives how I experienced the character design process. I think as an artist it is important to have references to look to when deciding which area of art you want to explore. For me personally artist books are what got me interested in character design, seeing the behind the scenes of my favourite characters made me want to experiment with creating my own. Therefore I am putting together a mock up of an artist book to perhaps be developed later on in my time at University.

For my page layout and concepts I took inspiration from my previously researched artist books and created a rough plan including boxes for written text, pages for concept art and process illustrations, creating an overview of how I wanted the book to be pieced together. Below is this rough plan :

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As can be seen here, it is just a mapping of ideas at this stage. I am deciding to include experimental process pieces as well as the more refined illustrations in order to show progress. I think that when showing character design to an audience it is always more interesting to see them grow from ideas to fully rendered illustrations.

I also left out pages for concept art pieces I am hoping to develop, I want to use this to not only show my character design in the context of my original narrative, but to also help break up the rhythm of the book a little bit and to keep things interesting.

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