For our first session back, we were briefed on our new project for this term. This project comes under the unit ‘Exploring Studio Practises’ and will be marked holistically alongside four other projects for a later deadline. This first project is called ‘Identities and Place’.

The context for this project, is to create a short graphic story using our personal experience of migration.  I was initially nervous to begin researching this project, as immigration is not something I have experienced first hand, nor do I particularly know a lot about it, so there was the instant fear of not being educated enough to complete a well executed outcome. We were shown examples of graphic stories, and what to consider when creating them, there was emphasis that the details of our imagery being deliberate, rather than just to fill space. We should be considering every aspect of our graphic interpretation to have a purpose. The ‘graphic story’ outcome, is to be of our choice, which I liked, as because my project is going to be heavily researched based, surrounding a topic I am challenged with, it is comforting to know that it can be executed in a medium that I am comfortable with.

We were given two activities to complete by next week, the first being to choose a century out of those provided and the second to write down a series of key words and what they indicate to us. I wasn’t sure what century to choose, therefore I decided I would research into them all, and create a more educated decision afterwards. (Which can be seen in a later blog post.)

Despite being nervous to begin researching this project, out of fear of being ignorant, this project is constructed in a way that I like to work. Very conceptually based, I also enjoy storytelling and tend to make that the main focus of my work, both personal and at university. This makes me excited to learn more about the topic at hand, and stylise it in a way that makes it my own. My goal is to create something emotive and something that is easily translated to a range of audiences, as I think this topic is something that impacts everyone, some more than others, but it is something that surrounds us all.

The second part of the session was an introduction to our new tutor groups, where we met our tutors and then each presented the summer project, our Personal Manifestos. For me this second part of the session was interesting, as most of the people in my new tutor group are new to me, so I was curious to see the type of work everybody made, and how they interpreted the task. It was also nice to show my work, and to tell the group more about me, so they can gage what kind of artist I am and what work I’ve enjoyed making so far.

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